DSR SGB Treatment in Boynton Beach, FL

Treatment by Stella can effectively address symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Stella Center Fort Lauderdale is a certified provider of Dual Sympathetic Reset (DSR), an advanced Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB).


1014 Gateway Blvd, Suite #104,

Boynton Beach FL 33426

Insurances Accepted in Florida:

 Tricare Insurance logoAetna insurance logo

Practical, effective care informed by modern neuroscience.

Get Stellate Ganglion Bock (SGB) Treatment in Fort Lauderdale, FL

15 minute dual injections that can restore calm and control to the fight-or-flight system.



Virtual assessment with medical & mental health experts that accounts for medical, biological, psychological & social factors to guide individualized treatment recommendations.



Stella Integration Sessions are built to optimize healing and growth by making meaning of ketamine infusion sessions and create individualized action plans that turn insights into growth.




Alongside biological treatment, meet with trauma-informed APN therapists to gain greater personal insight and understanding in support of better long-term clinical outcomes.




Payment and Financing Options

Insurance Reimbursable Services

Insurance Reimbursable Services

Intake assessments and telehealth therapies are eligible for insurance coverage depending on your plan and location. Superbills are available. Please call our Care Advocate team for more information.





In-House Financing

In-House Financing

In-house financing is available at 0% interest over 6 months with a 50% down payment.

Financing through Rectangle Health

Financing through Rectangle Health

Flexible and affordable financing so you can get access to the treatment you need with a custom payment plan that fits any budget.

Accept Credit Cards, FSA, HSA and CareCredit

Accept Credit Cards, FSA, HSA and CareCredit

Stella accepts multiple forms of payment such as Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts, CareCredit and major credit cards.


About Stella

Since 2020, Stella has used cutting-edge and innovative biological interventions to target the physical injury caused by emotional trauma and mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and stress. We have treated over 8,000 patients and introduced the dual sympathetic reset (DSR) protocol –– an advanced stellate ganglion block (SGB) as an effective and efficient treatment in treating symptoms like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and stress.

We are committed to responsible innovation, and in our first three years, Stella expanded its care model to an individualized, multimodality treatment approach, offering ketamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP) treatment, integration sessions, psych-medical sessions, trauma-informed telehealth assessments and appointments, talk therapy, and a DSR talk therapy curriculum in partnership with Plus by APN.

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